
Politics: Tucker Carlson Relocation out of U.S., Odds & Prediction

By · Updated 12 months ago
  • Fox News host Tucker Carlson recently interviewed Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
  • The interview has led some to believe that Carlson will relocate outside of the U.S.
  • Oddsmakers have created a set of odds indicating where Carlson might move to.

With Tucker Carlson’s Vladimir Putin interview going viral, let’s take a look at a few potential locations that he could move to, should he choose to leave the United States. Carlson is more likely to move to a nation with right-leaning ideology, making countries like Dubai () a much better bet than Canada ().

Tucker Carlson Relocation Vegas Odds

Tucker Carlson Relocation Prediction

We don’t forsee Tucker Carlson leaving American soil any time soon. However, the potential re-election of President Joe Biden may be enough to change his mind. If Carlson does move, we recommend betting on him to wind up in Australia, the Middle East, or an island nation, not a progressive-leaning Nordic country.

  • Best Bets: Australia and Dubai
Keith McCarthy
Contributor Keith McCarthy is an experienced sports analyst with a passion for predicting the outcomes of games spanning across sports such as football, basketball, baseball, and hockey, with a special expertise in college sports.